วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550



1. List goods that should always be found in the kitchen. Examples of which are coffee, milk, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, salt, onion, garlic. These goods are necessary, so they are always being bought.

2. Plan your weekly meals ahead of time. This would avoid you overspending on goods invaluable or missing some ingredients that are needed. This would not just clear your worries but it would also save your time.

3. Don’t buy branded goods; instead choose a product that has the same quality of those expensive goods. You’ll get the same benefit without spending more.

4. Buy goods that have dual purpose. A good example of which is mayonnaise. You can use it as a sandwich spread or make macaroni salad instead. In a way, you could enjoy eating both without spending too much.

5. Buy less expensive cuts of meat. List recipes that the cuts won’t matter. At least, you won’t be sacrificing the taste of the food and at the same time you’ll have the chance to buy a larger quantity.

6. Pay in cash. You might be tempted to buy unnecessary goods. This would avoid you from going over your card limit.

7. Try to be inventive and creative at the same time. Leftovers could be precooked in a way that it would look appealing again to your appetite.

8. Bring some snacks whenever you travel. This could be a good reliever for your hunger along the way and chances of being tempted to stop in a mini store; if not be impossible, at least be lessen.

9. Keep a list of prices of goods you always buy. At least, with those products you’re sure of how much you’ll be spending and you could do just a small amount on goods you wish to buy.

10. Shop only once or twice a month. In that way, less time will be spent on going to a grocery store and at the same time, chances of overspending will be minimized.

11. Keep your receipts, then enter into a spreadsheet. This will be your price list. Use it so you know when bulk or sale items are a good deal. It's also a great way to comparison shop between stores …#34; buy your baking goods in Store A but your fresh fruits in Store B. The spreadsheet can also serve as a checklist to use when you're compiling your shopping list.

12. Shop online. Lots and lots of items are now available for quick and easy purchase online at Nice Offer. Most time they run varying discount promo and you may get a product half the price.

13. Buy frozen veggies. While fresh veggies are a little better, frozen veggies are almost as good, and much better than nothing. And since you can keep them in the freezer, they rarely go bad.

14. Cut back on meat. Meat is expensive. Plan vegetarian meals several times a week (think pasta or chili) and for other meals, you could just use a little meat as a kind of seasoning instead of the main ingredient …#34; think Asian, Indian and other such cultural food.

15. Cook a lot, then freeze. Plan to cook a big amount of food …#34; a whole mess of spaghetti, for example …#34; and freeze it for multiple dinners. A great idea is to use one Sunday and cook a week's (or even a month's) worth of dinners. Plan 5-6 freezable dinners and cook them all at once.

16. Look for specials. Every store has specials. Be sure to look for them in the newspaper, or when you get to the store (they often have unadvertised specials …#34; look on the higher and lower shelves for deals). Don't buy them unless they're things you always use.

17. Try the store brands. Brand names are often no better than generic, and you're paying for all the advertising they do to have a brand name. Give the store brand a try, and often you won't notice a difference. Especially if it's an ingredient in a dish where you can't taste the quality of that individual ingredient.

18. Sugar cereals are a bad buy. Lots of money for no nutrition. Look for whole grain cereals with low sugar. Add fruit for better flavor.

19. When there's a sale, stock up. Sale items can be a great deal. If it's an item you normally use, buy a bunch of them.

20. Think deep freeze. If you really want to save, you'll need a big freezer. Ask around …#34; someone you know might have a relatively new model they don't need anymore. You can use freezers to stock up on meat, frozen veggies, and similar staples, and to freeze big batches of pasta, casseroles, and other dinners you prepare ahead of time.

21. Don't waste leftovers. Have a list on your fridge of what leftovers are in there, so you don't forget about them. Plan a leftover night or two, so you're sure to eat them all. Pack them immediately for lunch, so they're ready to take the next morning.

22. Don't buy junk food (or buy as little as possible). Junk food not only costs a lot of money for about zero nutrition, but it makes you and your family fat and kills you slowly. Talk about a bad deal! Opt for fruits and veggies instead.

22. Go when the kids are in school. When you bring kids, they will pester you and pester you until you buy some kind of junk food. Even if you're able to stick to your guns, it's not pleasant saying no 10 million times. In most cases, you'll save money shopping without the kids.

23. Use store savings cards. These can add up to big savings over the long run.

24. Avoid frozen dinners or prepared entrees. Again, these cost way more and are usually much less nutritious.

About the Author

© 2007 Olowole Jetro. All rights reserved. Olowole Jetro is the owner and webmaster of A1Savings, and a recognized Internet

information researcher. Visit his website to learn over 100 ways to create wealth by saving

money on everything you do everyday.